2015 Reading List

This is a record of everything I\’ve read for the first time in 2015 (or in 2016 catching up on 2015 stories, marked with *).  I\’ll update this post as I read more things!

In order to eventually create my Hugo nominating ballot for the year and help others find things they might like enough to nominate as well, I\’ve separated out science fiction or fantasy published in 2015 into its own sections according to Hugo category.  Bolded entries are ones I enjoyed enough to recommend to others as potentially Hugo-worthy work, and I\’ve also linked to the Amazon reviews I\’ve written where applicable.


2015 Novels (at least 40,000 words):

  • Gemini Cell, Myke Cole
  • Flex and The Flux, Ferrett Steinmetz (review of The Flux)
  • State Machine, K.B. Spangler (review)
  • Belt Three, John Ayliff
  • Apex, Ramez Naam
  • Serpentine, Cindy Pon
  • Greek Key, K.B. Spangler
  • Seveneves, Neal Stephenson
  • Ancillary Mercy, Ann Leckie
  • Karen Memory, Elizabeth Bear*
  • Aftermath, Chuck Wendig*
  • The Traitor Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson*
  • Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen, Lois McMaster Bujold* (review)
  • The End of All Things, John Scalzi (author declines Hugo consideration)
  • Sword, Amy Bai
  • Pocket Apocalypse, Seanan McGuire
  • The Just City, Jo Walton*
  • Unsung Villains, Missy Meyer*

2015 Novellas (17,500 to 40,000 words):

2015 Novelettes (7,500 to 17,500 words):

2015 Short Stories (less than 7,500 words):


Non-2015 works read in 2015:

  • The Lives of Tao and The Deaths of Tao, Wesley Chu
  • Thieftaker and Thieves\’ Quarry, D.B. Jackson
  • Ancillary Sword, Ann Leckie
  • The Adventures of Amir Hamza, Ghalib Lakhnavi and Abdulla Bilgrami, tr. Musharraf Ali Farooqi (abandoned)
  • Nine Goblins, T Kingfisher
  • Worm, Wildbow (in progress)
  • Libriomancer and Codex Born, Jim Hines
  • Vicious, V.E. Schwab
  • Blood Magic, GatewayGirl
  • Shades of Milk and Honey, Mary Robinette Kowal
  • Kensei and The Devil, You Say, Jeremy Zimmerman
  • The Goblin Emperor, Katherine Addison
  • Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel
  • Dead to Me, Mary McCoy
  • The Three-Body Problem, Cixin Liu, tr. Ken Liu
  • The Dark Between the Stars, Kevin J. Anderson (abandoned)
  • Lock In, John Scalzi
  • The Rhesus Chart, Charles Stross
  • Velveteen vs. The Junior Super-Patriots and Velveteen vs. The Multiverse, Seanan McGuire
  • Alif the Unseen, G. Willow Wilson
  • The complete Merchant Princes series, Charles Stross
  • We Could Be Villains, Missy Meyer
  • Helen of Sparta, Amalia Carosella
  • Ready Player One, Ernest Cline
  • The Martian, Andy Weir
  • \”As Good As New\”, Charlie Jane Anders
  • \”The End of the End of Everything\”, Dale Bailey
  • \”Mrs. Sorensen and the Sasquatch\”, Kelly Barnhill
  • \”Sleep Walking Now and Then\”, Richard Bowes
  • \”Daughter of Necessity\”, Marie Brennan
  • \”Brisk Money\”, Adam Christopher
  • Nexus and Crux, Ramez Naam
  • Fudoki, Kij Johnson
  • Save the Cat, Blake Snyder
  • Jumpstart Your Novel, Mark Teppo



#1 My 2015 Hugo Nominations — Pyrlogos on 03.18.16 at 8:45 am

[…] ← 2015 Reading List […]

#2 2016 Reading List — Pyrlogos on 03.30.16 at 12:52 pm

[…] This is a record of everything I’ve read for the first time in 2016, with the new-for-2016 work separated out so I can identify Hugo-eligible works.  (See also my 2015 reading list.) […]

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